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Team Building – DSTAR (Drive Strive Thrive Arrive and Revive)

Maxires acknowledges the importance of team work and recalls the famous adage that “Team is as strong as the weakest link”. It says how important that each and every member in the team needs to be good to make a positive difference that is sustainable, which helps the goals to fructify on a consistent basis. The irony is that people are a bundle of emotions, which oscillate between personal and professional front thus making them stay focused becoming next to impossible. Very few manage it well and hence it’s important that every leader understand what it takes to form, manage and lead teams. It’s the quintessential part of future leadership and in fact the training ground to hone skills, which would become the bedrock of leadership.
Teamwork as a concept has grown over time immemorial, as and when people come together to work for a common purpose. However, teamwork success is not automatic. Teams have to be established for the right reasons. Member selection in teams is very important, as much as the purpose of the team. For all this, it is important to know how to form teams, manage, handle and maintain team and team management plays a major role in company’s exponential growth and progress.
Managing people and their “feelings” are an integral part of a leader and hence it is important that the leader understand the nuances of team formation and also embrace realities of life and draw balance between work and life. As new members come in and vintage members stay, it becomes even more challenging for leader to maintain the fabric and also to scale results.
Maxires offers its expertise on team building programs which are a blend of outbound and inbound through its VAK methodology, the one that suits for adult learning. The pay off for attending the 2 day workshop is as follows.

Pay off:

Through the structured approach that the client and Maxires adopt, it is certain that the following will be achieved.

  • Enhancement of participant’s competencies, skill sets and usage of different training aids to help improve retention of team and productivity.
  • Enhanced imagery of the company through their employees and the oneness.