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KAM – Key Account Management

Maxires has established business heads as facilitators who have run businesses and been accountable for P & L in their last portfolios for decades together. Maxires coaches carry expertise at the leadership level in sales ranging from concepts to products, retail to institutional. Hence we understand that the retail sales skills are far different from institutional and making a call fructify in institutional sales needs absolute home work that needs to be done to clinch the deal, as the business sizes are much larger than retail.

Key account Management is a strategic business approach with the objective of ensuring long-term and sustainable business development through profitable partnerships with strategically important customers. KAM must be positioned and empowered to be able to integrate different internal resources. This trend has swept through industries ranging from tires to pharmaceuticals, food, consumer electronics, and computer hardware.

Successful KAM requires the development of an organizational culture that facilitates both radical innovation and cross functional working relationship. Developing internal capabilities and capacity in terms of knowledge, structures, systems and tools is a requirement for long term success. Maxires lends it’s expertise on KAM (Key Account Management) helping participant’s to differentiate between retail and institutional sales. The nuances involved, strategizing the call, positioning one’s company and the product, differentiation and individual strategy for decision makers as individuals and as a unit.

Maxires offers its expertise on team building programs which are a blend of outbound and inbound through its VAK methodology, the one that suits for adult learning. The pay off for attending the 2 day workshop is as follows.

Pay off:

Through the structured approach that the client and Maxires adopt, it is certain that the following will be achieved. Develop sales pitches for various product lines and handle sales rebuttals that are conceptual by nature as well as issue specific

  • Handle objections from price point and bring conceptual clarity with WIIFME for prospects.
  • Better preparation for the call and enhanced call success ratios.