Excellence series of workshops focus on developing and enhancing superior leadership and management skills which form the foundation of any successful business. Our excellence series covers Business excellence, Leadership excellence, Personal development, Behavioural series and Sales and Customer Service training.
Business excellence series covers PEAR (Performance excellence & Achieving Results), Productivity Management, Business Process re-engineering & strategy focused organization, etc.
Personal development series covers topics like effective presentation skills, personal empowerment (ownership & accountability), Assertive behaviour & communication, etc.
Under behavioural series we cover Habits for personal effectiveness, work life balance, influencing skills, Managing change, Attitude awareness (How to be positive), etc.
Topics under Sales & customer training include basic selling skills, advanced strategy for major sales, win-win negotiation skill, channel management, field sales person training, customer service orientation, complaint handling, CRM, etc.
Leadership excellence will have topics such as Transformational leadership, Leader as coach, ZEAL (Zeal & Enthusiasm in Achieving Leadership), etc.