1. At a certain speed, the speed of light, you lose even your shadow. At a certain speed, the speed of information, things lose their sense.
Jean Baudrillard (b.1929) French philosopher. “The Gulf War Did Not Take Place,” The Gulf War Did Not Take Place (1995)
2. One is more likely…to perceive a situation of overload when one has many things demanded…than when fewer things are demanded.
Rabi S. Bhagat (b.1950) Indian business author. Human Stress and Cognition in Orgnisations (coedited and co-written with Terry A. Beehr; 1985), Introduction
3. People can place demands upon themselves that create uncertainty.
Rabi S. Bhagat (b.1950) Indian business author. Human Stress and Cognition in Orgnisations (coedited and co-written with Terry A. Beehr; 1985), Introduction
4. If you want to avoid worry, do what Sir William Osler did: Live in “day-tight compartments.” Don’t stew about the futures. Just live each day until bedtime.
Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) U.S. consultant and author. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948)
5. Brain cells create ideas. Stress kills brain cells. Stress is not a good idea.
Doug Hall (b.1959) U.S. business writer. Jump Start Your Brain (1996)
6. I try to only worry, about things I have control over.
Steve Nash (b.1974) Canadian basketball player who plays in the United States. “Stevie Wonder,” FastBreak Magazine (Brain Bujdos; April 1998)
7. What the banker sighs for, the meanest clown may have-leisure and a quiet mind.
Henry David Thoreau (1817-62) U.S. writer. Entry for January18, 1841, Journal (1906)
8. The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.
Lily Tomlin (b.1939) U.S. comedian and actor. Quoted in Slowing Down in a Speeded Up World (Adair Lara; 1994)