1. One of the primary objectives of a market analysis is to determine the attractiveness of a market to current and potential participants.
David A. Aaker (b.1938) U.S. business executive and vice chairman of Prophet Brand Strategy. Developing Business Strategies (1998)
2. Strategic market management is a system designed to help management both precipitate and make strategic decisions, as well as create strategic vision.
David A. Aaker (b.1938) U.S. business executive and vice chairman of Prophet Brand Strategy. Developing Business Strategies (1998)
3. Focus Groups are people who are selected on the basis of their inexplicable free time and their common love of free sandwiches.
Scott Adams (b.1957) U.S. cartoonist and humorist. The Dilbert Principle (1996)
4. Half the sponsors don’t know if their money is wasted or not; the other half do it in order not to be left out.
Anonymous. Quoted in Formula 1, The Business of Winning (Russell Hitten; 1998)
5. Retailers estimate that the Nike Inc. line of shoes with Michael Jordan’s name rings up more than $100 million per year.
Anonymous. Wall Street Journal (September 23, 1997)
6. The importance of collecting data for the purpose of enabling the manufacturer to ascertain how many additional customers he will acquire by a given reduction in the price of the article he makes cannot be too strongly pressed.
Charles Babbage (1792-1871) British mathematician and inventor. On the Economy of Machinery and Manufacture (1832)
7. in good times, people want to advertise; in bad times, they have to.
Bruce Barton (1886-1967) U.S. advertising executive and author. Town and Country (1955)
8. Christmas is the Disneyfication of Christianity.
Don Cupitt (b.1934) British theologian. Independent (London) (December 1996)
9. You see yourself as a good product that sits on a shelf and sells well, and people make a lot of money out of you.
Diana (1961-97) British princess. Referring to her treatment by the media. BBC Interview (1995)
10. Marketing is not a function, it is the whole business seen from the customer’s point of view.
Peter F. Drucker (b.1909) U.S. management consultant and academic. Quoted in business Studies (ian Marcouset al.; 2000)
11. Investor relations is about stock marketing.
Utz Felight (b.1947) German chairman of Degussa. Sunday Times (London) (October 2000)
12. If you don’t enjoy consuming it, you can’t work in it.
Michael Grade (b.1943) British television executive. Marketing (June 2000)
13. Success should not be measured by earnings per share, but by market share.
Bruce Henderson (1915-92) U.S. consultant and founder Boston Consulting Group. Quoted in Dangerous Company (James O’Shea and Charles Madigan; 1997)
14. Our challenge is to stand out from the crowd when the crowd has much more money than you. Ideas are relatively cheap to have.
Dave Hieatt (b.1965) British founder of anticorporate marketing agency. Marketing (October 2000)
15. Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately, it takes a lifetime to master.
Philip Kotler (b.1931) U.S. marketing management thinker. Marketing Management (1967)
16. Your company does not belong in any market where it cannot be the best.
Philip Kotler (b.1931) U.S. marketing management thinker. Marketing Management (1967)
17. In financial institutions…salesman were not just people who pushed a product. They were “virile,” “manly men” engaged in an important public calling.
Angel Kwolek-Folland, U.S. author. Engendering Business (1994)
18. The man who whispers down a well
About the goods he has to sell
Will not make as many dollars
As the man who climbs the tree and hollers!
Lord Leverhulme (1851-1925) British entrepreneur, philanthropist and cofounder of Unilever. Leverhulme was a consummate salesman, pioneering U.S. mass-marketing techniques in Britain. Quoted in Enlightened Entrepreneurs (Ian Campbell Bradley; 1987), ch. 10
19. Not since John D. Rocketfeller sent free kerosene lamps to China has the oil industry done anything really outstanding to create a demand for its product.
Theodore Levitt (b.1925) U.S. management theorist, writer and editor. “Marketing Myopia,” Harvard Business Review (September-October 1975)
20. The meek shall inherit the earth, but they’ll never increase market share.
William G. McGowan (1927-92) U.S. business executive. Quoted in The Master Marketer (Christopher Ryan; 1993)
21. Most large markets evolve from niche markets.
Regis McKenna (b.1939) U.S. marketing entrepreneur and chairman of the McKenna Group. Harvard Business Review (September-October 1988)
22. Marketing should focus on market creation, not market share.
Regis McKenna (b.1939) U.S. marketing entrepreneur and chairman of the McKenna Group. The Regis Touch (1986)
23. Every marketer should be on the road half the time. You get that sixth sense only spending time in the marketplace.
Regis McKenna (b.1939) U.S. marketing entrepreneur and chairman of the McKenna Group. Quoted in Thriving on Chaos (Tom Peters; 1987)
24. Music is spiritual. The music business is not.
Van Morrison (b.1945) Irish musician. Times (London) (July 1990)
25. We feel the spear of the marketplace in our back.
Tony O’Reilly (b.1936) Irish executive chairman of Independent News & Media and former C.E.O. of Heinz Corporation. Fortune (April 9, 1990)
26. Manufacturers who don’t test their products incur the colossal cost (and disgrace) of having their products fail on a national scale instead of dying inconspicuously and economically in test markets.
David Ogilvy (1911-99) British advertising executive, founder and chairman of Ogilvy & Mather. Confessions of an Advertising Man (1963)
27. Anyone can build market share and if you set your prices low enough, you can get the whole damn market.
David Packard (1912-96) U.S. entrepreneur and cofounder of Hewlett-Packard. The HP Way (1995)
28. They’re exactly the demographics I’m looking for.
Manuel Perluondo (b.1967) Cuban entrepreneur. Forbes (February 1999)
29. Marketing goes wrong when it is perceived by companies as a bolt-on activity.
Michael Perry (b.1934) British business executive. Marketing (March 2000)
30. One of the qualities I always seek in marketing people is curiosity.
Raoul Pinnell (b.1951) British branding and marketing communications director of Shell International Petroleum. Marketing (June 2000)
31. But markets today are moving are moving targets. The only way to hit them is to launch your business like a cruise missile.
Harry V. Quadracci (1936-2002) U.S. entrepreneur and founder of Quad Graphics. Success (June 1988)
32. Cents-off coupons have proliferated like the progeny of sex-starved rabbits.
Stan Rapp, U.S. advertising executive and cofounder of Rapp Collins. The New Maxi-Marketing (co-written with Thomas L. Collins; 1995)
33. William to the new age of datamation-a whole new way to move the prospect to making a purchase, using different strokes for different folks.
Stan Rapp, U.S. advertising executive and cofounder of Rapp Collins. The New Maxi-Marketing (co-written with Thomas L. Collins; 1995)
34. The USP almost lifts itself out of the ruck and wings its way to some corner of the mind.
Rosser Reeves (1910-84) U.S. advertising executive. Referring to the Unique Selling Proposition. Reality in Advertising (1986)
35. The company is moving from product marketing to audience marketing.
Oliver Roll (b.1966) British marketing executive. Marketing (July 2000)
36. A society in which consumption has to be artificially stimulated in order to keep production going is a society founded on trash and waste, and such a society is a house built on sand.
Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-1957) British author. Creed or Chaos (1947)
37. No one wins a sales promotion war.
Don E. Schultz (b.1934) U.S. author, advertising executive and academic. Sales Promotion Management (co-written with William Robinson; 1982)
38. Marketing strategy is a series of integrated actions leading to a sustainable competitive advantage.
John Sculley (b.1939) U.S. partner of Sculley Brothers former president of Pepsi, and C.E.O. of Apple Computers. Quoted in Business Studies (Ian Marcouseet al.;2000)
39. No great marketing decisions have ever been made on qualitative data.
John Sculley (b.1939) U.S. partner of Sculley Brothers former president of Pepsi, and C.E.O. of Apple Computers. Quoted in The Intuitive Manager (Roy Rowan; 1986)
40. We know every dollar added to the cost means more than one dollar added to the consumer price. We know a higher consumer price means fewer consumer sales.
Alfred P. Sloan (1875-1966) U.S. president of General Motors. “The Most Important Things I Learned About Management,” System (August 1924)
41. The media industry has only started to take marketing seriously over the past five years and has failed to understand their brands in a business context.
Vijay Solanki (b.1969) Kenyan marketing executive. Marketing (August 2000)
42. They don’t understand that the cold face of the marketing business is about bringing in cash, not just about having big ad compaigns.
Vijay Solanki (b.1969) Kenyan marketing executive. Marketing (August 2000)
43. The mass market has split into ever-multiplying, ever-changing sets of micromarkets that demand a continually expanding range of options.
Alvin Toffler (b.1928) U.S. social commentator. Powershift (1990)
44. Don’t focus on the mink, but what’s in it.
Jane Trahey (1923-2000) U.S. copywriter and author. 1969. Speaking about her famous advertising campaign for Blackglama fur. Quoted in New York Times (2000)
45. The shelf life of the modern hardback writer is somewhere between the milk and the yogurt.
Calvin Trillin (b.1935) U.S. writer and journalist. Sunday Times (London) (June 1991)
46. In Australia, it’s all about sales tomorrow and how to appeal to this husge, generic target audience.
Trish Wadley (b.1962) Australian marketing director. “Independently Minded,” Independent (London) (Poppy Brech; 2000)
47. Don’t sell the steak; sell the sizzle. It is the sizzle that sells the streak and not the cow, although the cow is, of course mighty important.
Elmer Wheeler (1903-68) U.S. writer. Principles of Salesmanship (1936?), no. 1
48. Every product has some element of service, and every service some element of product.
Aubrey Wilson, British marketing consultant and author. New Directions in Marketing (1991)
49. there’s no business without show business.
Michael J. Wolf, U.S. consultant and author. The Entertainment Economy (1999)