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  1. If railroads had understood they were in the transportation business instead of the steel-rail business, we’d all be flying on union Pacific Airlines.

Anonymous. Quoted in The Road Ahead (Bill Gates, co-written with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter N. Rinearson; 1995)


  1. Do not lose yourself in the work or in your ideas or plans or forget to keep yourself in constant touch with the true source.

Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) Indian philosopher, mystic, and nationalist. Quoted in Ethics in Management: Vedantic Perspectives (S. K. Chakraborty; 1995)


  1. It is better to do their own duty, however lacking in merit, than to do that of another, even though efficiently.

Bhagavad Gita, Indian religious text. (1st century? B.C.)


  1. Positive direction can have far reaching effects.

Jack Daniels (b. 1933) U.S. track coach. Daniels’ Running Formula (1998)


  1. There are a lot of disadvantages-the pressure and the expectations, a lot

of media attention. It is hard to concentrate and prepare without being distracted.

Robert De Castella (b.1957) Australian athlete and executive director of Focus on You. Interview (1984)


  1. Anything worth doing to excess.

Edwin Land (1909-91) U.S. inventor and founder of Polaroid Corporation. Boston Globe (March 1991)


  1. When conscious activity is wholly concentrated on some one definite purpose, the ultimate result, for most people, is lack of balance accompanied by some form of nervous disorder.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher and writer. Quoted in Management by Objectives. An Integrated Approach (S. K. Chakraborty; 1976)


  1. Never waste your attention on matters that have nothing to do with your work…Remember that it is the family business that must not be neglected for a moment.

Mitsui Takafusa (1684-1748) Japanese merchant. Quoted in Premodern Japan: A Historical Survey (Mikiso Hane; 1991)