1. Always do one thing less than you think you can do.
Bernard Baruch (1870-1965) U.S. financier and economist. Referring to maintaining good health. Newsweek (May 28, 1956)
2. Buy what’s deliverable, not what could be.
Michael Bloomberg (b.1942) U.S. entrepreneur, business executive, and Mayor of New York. Bloomberg by Bloomberg (co-written with Matthew Winkler; 1997)
3. Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations.
Edward De Bono (b.1933) British creative-thinking theorist, educator, and writer. Quoted in Observer (London) (June 12, 1997)
4. If you follow your passion, the money will follow. But if you chase the almighty dollar, you can easily lose that and end up with nothing.
Elizabeth MacKay, U.S. investment strategist and managing director of Bear Stearns. Quoted in Women of the Street (Sue Herera; 1997)
5. In great endeavors the intention is enough.
Sextus Prospertius (50?-15 B.C.) Roman poet. Attrib.
6. The loss that is unknown is no loss at all.
Publilius Syrus (fl. 1st century B.C.) Roman writer. Moral Sayings (1st century B.C.)
7. Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise.
Alice Walker (b.1944) U.S. Pulitzer prize-winning writer and poet. Expect Nothing (1973)