1. Once the what is decided the how always follows. We must not make the how an excuse for not facing and accepting the what.
Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) U.S. writer. To My Daughters with Love (1967)
2. It is your own conviction which compels you; that is, choice compels choice.
Epictetus (55?-135?) Greek philosopher. Attrib.
3. Any color you like as long as it’s black.
Henry Ford (1863-1947) U.S. industrialist, automobile manufacturer, and founder of Ford Motor Company. Slogan advertising the mass-produced Model-T Ford. Attrib. Ford (Allan Nevins; 1954), vol. 2, ch. 15
4. No choice among stinking fish.
Thomas Fuller (1654-1734) English physician and writer. Gnomologia (1732)
5. Business is often about killing your favourite children to allow others to succeed.
John Harvey-Jones (b.1924) British management adviser, author, and former chairman of ICI. “Troubleshooter,” BBC TV series (1990)
6. From a narrow either/or society with a limited range of personal choices, we are xploding into a free-wheeling multiple option society.
John Naisbitt (b.1929?) U.S. business executive and author. Megatrends (1982)
7. Commerce is the agency by which the power of choice is obtained.
John Ruskin (1819-1900) British art critic and writer. Munera Pulveris (1872)
8. Even children learn in growing up that “both” is not an admissible answer to a choice of “which one?”
Paul Samuelson (b.1915) U.S. economist and winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics. Attrib.
9. Things are in their essence what we choose to make them.
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish writer and wit. De Profundis (1905)